So yes, she is my cousin, nevertheless she is fabulous! Alicia and I have always had a good relationship despite our little time together, from Thanksgiving dinners, to family reunions in the blistering July sun, to long chats with Gin about growing up in Hudson county -- a great thing by the way. Her latest "BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goal" to quote my cousin Erik, is auditioning for the "Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star: Your Own Show" here, she competes with hundreds for the chance at her own show. Alicia graduated Harvard with a degree in Gender & Sexuality, (Yes!) has worked on numerous campaigns, and currently is involved with field and policy work in the Latino/a community, she is also a solid democrat and feminist,nuff said! Here is what you do: Go to the link I posted under comments ( copy and paste, sorry blogger is not linking for some reason), watch her video and vote!
Here is the link : http://myown.oprah.com/audition/index.html?request=video_details&response_id=10826&promo_id=1